Real-world approaches to outpatient treatment of status migrainosus: A survey study

SM is defined as a debilitating migraine attack lasting more than 72 h. There is no standard of care for SM, including whether a 72-h duration is required before the attack can be treated as SM.

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Health equity, care access and quality in headache – part 1

Current definitions of migraine that are based mainly on clinical characteristics do not account for other patient’s features such as those related to an impaired quality of life, due to loss of social life and productivity, and the differences related to the geographical distribution of the disease and cultural misconceptions which tend to underestimate migraine as a psychosocial rather than neurobiological disorder.

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Consenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia (SBCe) para o tratamento profilático da migrânea episódica: parte 1

The Brazilian Headache Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, SBCe, in Portuguese) nominated a Committee of Authors with the aim of establishing a consensus with recommendations regarding prophylactic treatment for epi­sodic migraine based on articles published in the worldwide literature, as well as personal experience.

Continue lendoConsenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia (SBCe) para o tratamento profilático da migrânea episódica: parte 1

The global brain health clinical exchange platform: Traduzindo conceitos para colaborações – Journal of the Neurological Sciences

Two recent editorials from the World Health Organization (WHO) Brain Health Unit [ [1] ] and World Federation of Neurology (WFN) [ [2] ] outline the urgent need to optimise brain health using a collaborative approach.

Continue lendoThe global brain health clinical exchange platform: Traduzindo conceitos para colaborações – Journal of the Neurological Sciences

Dor de cabeça tardia após vacinação contra a COVID-19: Um sinal de alarme para vacinas que podem induzir trombose venosa cerebral – The Journal of Headache and Pain

Continue lendoDor de cabeça tardia após vacinação contra a COVID-19: Um sinal de alarme para vacinas que podem induzir trombose venosa cerebral – The Journal of Headache and Pain